My follow-up short film to Shellshock, entitled 'All Mortal Flesh', is now in preproduction, with the intention of premiering later this year. Further information about this project can be found via its official blog:
We are also currently running a crowdfunding campaign via to cover part of the production expenses. If you would like to support the film, you can find out how to do so at the below link:
There are various rewards on offer for different levels of contribution, but furthermore to this, I'd like to make it abundantly clear that any contribution, finanicial or otherwise, would be received with the very highest level of gratitude. You can also support the project liking its Facebook page and spreading word:
Finally, below can be found the film's initial teaser trailer/promo video:
All Mortal Flesh Announcement Teaser from John Corcoran on Vimeo.
Thank you
John Corcoran